How to valorize an invention? – Milan

Date: Thursday 11th June 2020

Time: 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm

Online event on Microsoft Teams

Type of event: Seminar, Free-of-charge participation, registration required here.


This event of IP-EXPERIENCE program deals with one of the key concepts of Intellectual Property: valorizing an existing IP right!

The seminar was performed ONLY on online streaming.

The interactive workshop of the training program consists of two sessions: a formative one and an experiential one.

In the first session, an introduction to the basic concepts of IP valorization in academic and industrial contexts is made.

Through the format of a double interview, Italian experts from Politecnico di Milano Technology Transfer Office and Spanish experts from the Innovation Unit of Universitat Politecnica of Catalogna in Barcelona share, discuss and compare the different experiences concerning the promotion and diffusion of IP culture in the academic context and the collaborations with companies

In the second session, an industry expert from Pirelli tells his experience concerning the strategic use of IP to strengthen the competitive edge against competitors.

Download the Agenda.

The event targets university students, but also Ph.D. students, researchers, young entrepreneurs, and start-uppers.
The event is in English. The event is free of charge, but registration is needed here.

Slides from the speakers
IP-Experience project introduction*, F. Silipigni – Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
UPC Innovation Ecosystem, C. Areste – Universitat Politecnica de Catalugna

*with comments to the answers received to the previous knowledge on IP valorizaton