An interactive web application on a story-telling game on the IP rights issues
The web application matches playful and learning features in the spirit of a serious game approach, with the goal to promote the essential elements of IP rights, taking inspiration from a real historical event, particularly suggestive. The basic elements of the story-telling game has been developed during the event: Intellectual Property Game storm in High School – Lecco.

The web-app game is inspired by the history of the invention of the windsurf and based on the decisions taken by its inventors to launch their business activity.
The game is entitled SURFING IP – The amazing story of the windsurf invention and is focused on how decisions on Intellectual Property matters can impact a new entrepreneurial activity.
In the picture, the two protagonists of the story are depicted.
The web app is in English and available for free.
For technical reasons, the web-app is hosted in the THEOREM-Project website and you will be redirected to such a site.
In addition, an interactive web-application Try it again, Karl! (currently in Italian only) is freely available from the previous THEOREM project.
The story-telling game is based on “The myth of the Donald Duck as prior art” case.
Go to the THEOREM website to the IP GAME: Try it again, Karl.