Ideas Powered for Business SME Fund

The European Union Intellectual Property Office-EUIPO, supported by the European Commission has created a fund to help European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to access their intellectual property rights.

The grant scheme covers two services: IP diagnostic analysis(IP scan) and/or trademark and design applications. NB. IP pre-diagnostic services are only available through participating national and regional IP offices of the EU. Italy does not provide such a service.

Only one application can be made for service 1 or service 2 or a combination of both, always with a maximum reimbursement of 1.500€ per applicant.

Five application windows will open during 2021 year. The first one has just opened last 11th January and will close on 31st January.

Grants will be awarded on a ‘first come, first served’ basis

For more information, see the Euipo Page.

To submit your application go here.