Date: Tuesday 15th December 2020
Time: 11.00 am – 12.00 pm
Location: online workshop on Microsoft Teams
Type of event: closing event. Registration required here
Download the leaflet.
During 2020, the IP EXPERIENCE Project has run a cycle of seminars and workshops to point out the strategic value of Intellectual Property in the context of start-ups and new entrepreneurial activities, the protection of results from research activities, and collaborations between industry and research institutions.
Start-uppers, enterprises, and managers have shared their experiences on the impact of IP on business activities and attendees have been engaged in IP issues during workshops, simulating the setting of a preliminary IP strategy for creative solutions, with the help of patent and trademark attorneys.
The closing event of the Project targets university students, young researchers, entrepreneurs, and in general anyone interested in IP as a strategic asset to commercially exploit results spreading out from research and innovation activities.
During the event, IP system representatives will provide some insights on trends, initiatives, and guidelines that are running at the European Union level to spread IP awareness and finally to strengthen the innovation potential of the EU companies.
In particular, representatives from the European Union Intellectual Property Office-EUIPO will shine a light on two topics. The first one will be related to the strategic value of IP for businesses, in particular, SMEs, remarking the importance of Intellectual Property to support innovation and creativity. The second topic will be related to the new generations and the role of IP, and the importance to raise awareness of IP at university and tertiary education, stressing how Universities and other public institutions face new challenges in understanding and responding to the needs of the new generations.
Results of the IP Experience Project will be presented and discussed.
11.00 am Welcome and opening
Davide Moscatelli – Rector’s Delegate for exploitation of research and Technology Transfer, Politecnico di Milano
11.05 am The role of IP for businesses and new generations
Claire Castel – Head of the IP in the Digital World and Awareness Service at the Observatory, EUIPO (pdf)
11.20 am The role of IP in the context of university-industry collaboration
Maurizio De Iusi – Responsible for Intellectual Property Office, Chamber of Commerce of Milan
11.30 am – IP-Experience project results: achievements, Videos, Handbook, IP Game wepApp (pdf)
Annalisa Balloi – Innovation Promoter, Politecnico di Milano, Technology Transfer Office
Gerard Margalef – IP & Licensing Manager, Universitat Politecnica de Catalugna, TTO
Giacinto Schiavulli – Project Manager, PoliHub Innovation District & Startup Accelerator
Filippo Silipigni – Project Manager, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
11.45 am – Discussion and Conclusions
A special thank goes to all the students of the 3rd level class of the branch Administration Finance and Marketing of the high-school Istituto Superiore Maria Ausiliatrice of Lecco and their teachers, Prof. Laura Arrigoni and Prof. Angela Grasso, which joined the online event. Moreover, Lorenzo Pina, the students class representative took a short speech, sharing some comments and impressions on the experience and involvement of the class in the Project.